Wednesday 22 January 2014

Agency Chief Suspended for Poor Performance

The Managing Director of the National Rural Electrification Agency (NREA), Mr. Kenneth Achugbu was yesterday suspended over allegations of poor performance.
The Chairman of the Supervisory Board of NREA, Senator Jonathan Zwingina told journalists in Abuja yesterday that the board’s decision followed the alleged poor implementation of the 2012 and 2013 budgets under Achugbu.
He explained that they arrived at the decision after seven of its members voted in favour of the managing director’s suspension while two others voted against it. The decision, he said, was to enable the management to implement the board’s programmes effectively.
He further revealed that Mr. Mohammed Abubakar Wasara has been appointed as the acting Managing Director of the agency. Mr. Wasara’s appointment, he said, was as a result of his position as the most senior director in the agency.

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