Friday 14 February 2014

Abuja to host SHAPE Africa 2014

The Abuja Global Shapers hub is ready to host the ‘SHAPE Africa 2014′ during the forthcoming World Economic Forum Africa Regional Meeting in May 2014.

The Curator of the World Economic Forum – Abuja Global Shapers, Ms Joycee Awojoodu said the approval came following the strong proposal put forward by the Abuja Global Shapers and their level of preparedness to host the event.

The event, she said, will bring about 250 participants from across the continent to Abuja. “We as young people are united by our passion to leave a lasting impact on our beloved Continent, utilizing transformational leadership to transcend boundaries and unleash the potential to solve our greatest challenges,” she added.

She further stated that participants will leave the forum with greater insights into the problems of Africa and action plans to implement in the various countries.

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