Friday 28 February 2014

Centenary Celebrations Disrupt Traffic in Abuja

Traffic in some central parts of Abuja were at a standstill for hours on Thursday evening as many roads were blocked because of celebrations marking Nigeria’s centenary taking place at the Abuja National Stadium.

A dense build up of traffic was visible around Garki, Jabi and Airport Road with many residents and motorists complaining of being stuck in their cars and not being able to get home for three hours, until around 9pm when traffic eased.

Some civil servants and other workers with offices located on Herbert Macaulay Way in the Central Business District, which is close to the stadium were unable to get to their offices because of the tight security and road blocks in place.

Many were forced to park some distance away and walk to work as traffic had been diverted and armed security operatives deployed at strategic points in the area.

The Centenary Celebrations began at 6pm, but President Goodluck Jonathan arrived at the venue around 8pm with the first lady and other officials. The event was also attended by several visiting heads of states, government officials, and members of the public and ended at about 9pm with a fireworks display.
   An international conference held as part of activities marking the centenary earlier in the day was attended by about 30 heads of governments and international organisations.

Yobe Killings - Police Disperse Protesters in Abuja

Police officers yesterday in Abuja dispersed youths protesting the killing of school children in Yobe state.

The protest was organised by a group identified as Nigerian Youths Protest against Boko Haram, headed by Mr Ibrahim Wala. About 50 persons had gathered at the Unity Fountain Park on Thursday morning to express their outrage over the recent killing and abduction of students by members of the Boko Haram sect in the north-eastern part of the country. The youths carried placards and sang solidarity songs. 
 Godswill Okoronkwo one of the protesters said that the protesters came together through social media sites like facebook, twitter and BlackBerry Chat.  
Mr. Wala, who spoke to newsmen as the protest took off, said hundreds of armed police men arrived at the venue and dispersed the gathering with teargas. He alleged that the police arrested 10 of the protesters and briefly detained them.

The police allegedly beat some of the protesters and used other riot dispersal techniques to chase them out of Unity Fountain.

Mr Wala further alleged that some journalists were molested in the process.

Mr. Okoronkwo explained that, "all we wanted to do is show the relevant authorities that we are fed up with the senseless killings in the northeastern part of the country."

World Leaders Promise to Help Nigeria Fight Terrorism

A number of world leaders, including the President of the European Union (EU), Mr Jose Manuel Barroso and French President, Mr Francois Hollande, have pledged to assist Nigeria in its fight against terrorism in the country.

They made the promise yesterday in Abuja at a conference on human security, peace and development which was part of activities to mark Nigeria’s centenary anniversary celebration.

Mr Hollande said that the fight against terrorism was a fight for democracy. He promised that his country will always stand ready not only to provide political support, but also to give help every time it is needed. “Your struggle,” he said, “is also our struggle.
He however noted that in spite of the crises in the continent, there was reason for optimism in Nigeria and Africa as a whole.

World Cup 2014: FG Approves Extra N1.6bn for Eagles

President Goodluck Jonathan has approved a special grant of N1.6bn for Nigeria’s 2014 World Cup campaign, in addition to the official budgetary allocations of the Nigeria Football Federation.

The extra amount will go towards training programmes before the trip to the FIFA tournament, to be held in Brazil in June, and arrangements for the Super Eagles’ stay in the United States of America.

The Minister of Sports Mallam Bolaji Abdullahi said that the government was giving Nigeria’s World Cup participation the highest level of attention in order to encourage their success.

“We are aware of the financial challenges of Nigerian teams while preparing for big events. It is not just about football but sports in general, including the Commonwealth Games and the World Youth Olympics also coming up this year. In view of the challenges posed by the budgetary process, we had to work ahead to get funding for the teams in a way that funds will not hamper the entire plans.

“President Goodluck Jonathan has keenly followed the problems over the years and that has made it possible for us to find a solution that will be beneficial to the athletes and their aspirations and the entire country at large.”

Reports also indicate that the minister was canvassing for extra funds from private donors to add to the official allocations, to ensure that poor funding will not be a factor in the team’s performance.

Thursday 27 February 2014

More than 12 Heads of State arrived in Abuja yesterday ahead of today’s centenary celebration, reports News Agency of Nigeria (NAN).

The Heads of State include Presidents Hifikepunye Pohamba of Namibia, Paul Kagame of Rwanda, Yahya Jammeh of Gambia, and Prosper Bazombaza of Burundi.

Others are the President of Mauritania, Mohammed Ould Abdel Aziz, Ethiopian President, Mr Hailemarian Desalegh, and the European Union President, Mr Jose Manuel Barroso, and President Helen Sirleaf of Liberia.

Meanwhile the Zambian Minister of Defence, Mr Edgar Lungu, will represent the Zambian President, Micheal Saata. Israel was also represented by its Minister of Agriculture Mr Yair Shamir, and Salim Ahmed Salim, the former Secretary General of OAU led the Tanzanian delegation.

The dignitaries were received at the Presidential Wing of the Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport, Abuja, by some members of the Federal Executive Council.

TuFace Join Other Indigenous Musicians for Centenary Celebrations

A number of Nigerian musicians are billed to entertain dignitaries at the centenary anniversary celebration billed to take place tonight at the national stadium.

Among the musicians are Prof Laz Ekwueme, Sir Victor Olaiya, Tuface Idibia, Cobham Asuquo, and Omawunmi Megbele.

Cobham Asuquo, who spoke to City News during the final rehearsals, said he was humbled by the experience. “As history and as people, it’s really the highest point of my career,” he said. “It’s amazing working with the people to recreate the story of the people.”

On his part, Prof Ekwueme said it was going to be a big show. “I am here with my 60 voices members of my choral group,” he said. “It is going to be more of dance and masquerade so spectacular, we will sing patriotic songs; we have to imbibe the sense of patriotism as a country.”

Boko Haram: Nigeria Asks Francophone Neighbours for Help

Nigeria issued an appeal to Cameroon and its other Francophone neighbours in the continent on Tuesday for help in the battle against militants and religious insurgents.

On the day suspected Boko Haram insurgents murdered 43 students in a school in Yobe, Nigeria’s information minister Labaran Maku warned that further attacks could harm French interests in West Africa if left unchecked.

“What we need is international cooperation from the French, from the French-speaking west African countries to work together to deal with this problem before it becomes a major problem for France, for western interests operating in west Africa,” Labaran Maku said.
 The comments came ahead of a planned visit by French president Francois Hollande on Thursday and Friday to join in Nigeria’s centenary celebrations and also attend an international conference on security in Africa.

Maku said much of the problem stemmed from Nigeria’s border which it shares with Cameroon and called for “increased partnership” with its northern neighbour.

He described Cameroon’s participation in the international military joint task force policing the borders – comprising troops from Nigeria, Chad, Niger and Cameroon – as weak, making the northern part of the border a safe haven for the insurgents.

“[Boko Haram] strike; when we pursue them, they retreat into Cameroon,” complained the minister.

Nigeria last week sealed a portion of its north-eastern border with Cameroon, situated in Adamawa State, to block the movement of insurgents and other criminal groups.

Presidential Aide Blames Sanusi for Yobe Killings

A close aide of President Goodluck Jonathan, Reno Omokiri, was implicated yesterday in a press release accusing suspended Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) Governor Sanusi Lamido Sanusi of sponsoring Boko Haram.

Omokri, the Special Assistant to the President on New Media, is believed to have used a pseudonym, Wendell Simlin, to circulate an article to select media companies linking the recent rise in Boko Haram attacks in Yobe and Borno to Sanusi’s suspension, but the digital footprint of the article was traced to his computer.

"Given the quantum of funds that were appropriated by the Sanusi-led CBN on non-banking related activities and donations, and the strong desire that he and Alhaji Umaru Abdul Mutallab have for proselytizing Islam as well as their circumstantial links to terror (Sanusi via Gideon Akaluka and Mutallab via his son,) it is not such a leap for them to facilitate the activities of terrorists," the article stated.

The write-up was sent to bloggers and journalists on Wednesday from the email address,, but an analysis of the document's metadata revealed that Omokri was the author.

Social media erupted in anger over the slander with many calling for Omokri’s dismissal.

"If it is true that this guy tried to capitalize on this tragedy by forging documents to implicate somebody else, pressure should be placed on the presidency to fire him," said Pius Adesanmi, a professor of English and respected social critic on his Facebook page.
"Some of us who know him know he establishes spurious online accounts to malign opposition," said journalist Tolu Ogunlesi.

The presidency has so far remained silent about the allegations.

Friday 21 February 2014

Jonathan Commissions N3bn Turkish Hospital

President Goodluck Jonathan yesterday opened a N3.23 billion Nizamaye hospital in Abuja.

Speaking at the event, President Jonathan noted that the commissioning of the hospital represented an important landmark in the existing cordial relationship between Nigeria and Turkey. He expressed delight at growth of the relationship into several facets of Nigeria’s national economy, including the education and health sectors.

He then called on private investors within and outside the country to take advantage of the investment-friendly policies of the Federal Government to invest in the health care delivery sector of the country.

In his address, the Turkish Ambassador to Nigeria, Mr Mustafa Pulat said that the construction of the 80-bed, world class hospital was another token of his country’s interest and determination to come to Nigeria in the best way possible.

Nigeria and Turkey have maintained bilateral relations in business since the Nigerian-Turkish group began its gradual creep in 1998 into the Nigerian education system. The Nigerian-Turkish International Colleges (NTIC) now runs 16 schools, including Nile University launched in Abuja four years ago.

Sanusi’s Suspension: Okonjo-Iweala Allays Fears of Negative Impact on Economy

The Coordinating Minister for the Economy and Minister of Finance, Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, has assured Nigerians that despite the suspension of Central Bank Governor, Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, the federal government would remain resolute in the management of the nation’s economy.

The minister, who made this known to newsmen in Abuja yesterday, also stated that the government would continue the pursuit of macro-economic stability, which has become the hallmark of the present administration.

“It is the macro-economic stability we maintained that has enabled us to continue to transform the different sectors of the economy, and that will not change,” she said. “We will maintain tight fiscal policy. We expect a continuation of the tight monetary policy that has been on at the central bank.”

She therefore urged market participants to carry on with businesses without fear.

NSC – Super Eagles Hope for Early Release of Funds for World Cup 2014

The Super Eagle’s plans for the Brazil 2014 World Cup have been submitted to the Presidency to ensure the early release of funds, according to theThe National Sports Commission (NSC).
The Minister of Sports, Bolaji Abdullahi, stated in Abuja that the timely release of funding would enable the national football team to prepare adequately for the tournament and avoid last-minute difficulties, as witnessed in previous World Cup preparations.
"The Nigeria Football Association has submitted their financial plans to the National Sports Commission and we have worked on it. We have sent it to the appropriate quarters. We believe that it will receive due attention.  
“So, I have no doubt in my mind that the plans for the World Cup will go very well. We will give all the support that is necessary to the NFA to succeed because if they succeed, everyone is happy," Mr. Abdullahi said.

Cars Smuggled into Nigeria Will No Longer be Registered - NAC

Starting from June, buyers of cars smuggled into Nigeria from neighbouring countries or abroad will not be able to register or license them for use, the National Automotive Council (NAC) has said.

The new directive, which was revealed in a statement issued on Thursday in Abuja by the Director of Policy and Planning, Mr Luqman Mamudu, is part of the new National Automotive Industry Development Plan (NAIDP) efforts at curbing vehicle smuggling in the country.
"Smuggled vehicles will sooner or later become unattractive because those who buy them will certainly no longer be able to obtain registration numbers from the Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC).

"They will not also be able to obtain vehicle licence from various state vehicle registration offices. The policy has an in-built program to pursue this course," the statement said.

NAC’s Executive Officer of Information, Mr Bello Rasheed, told the News Agency of Nigeria that the council was collaborating with the Nigeria Customs Service and other agencies.

"The policy requires the Nigeria Customs Service to build a data base of all vehicles that are legally imported into the country. The FRSC, vehicle inspection officers and state vehicle license offices will be given access to the customs data base.

"So, if any vehicle is brought for licensing or number plate registration, the relevant agency will first check the list of legally imported vehicles in the customs data base. Any vehicle not listed there is deemed smuggled and will not only be denied registration, but will also be impounded and the owner arrested," Rasheed said.

However, the Freight Forwarders Association of Nigeria (FFAN) fear the new policy would cause a 150 per cent hike on used vehicles, deny freight forwarders their main source of income and also cause massive lay-offs of its workers.

Thursday 20 February 2014

28 Heads of State Expected in Abuja for Security Conference

As part of activities to mark Nigeria’s centenary anniversary, 28 Heads of State are expected in Abuja for an international security conference to be hosted by President Goodluck Jonathan next Thursday.

The Minister of Information, Labaran Maku, made this known yesterday while briefing journalists shortly after the Federal Executive Council (FEC) meeting. He said that President Jonathan would present the lead paper at the conference.

The paper, he said, would focus on how to secure the continent against activities of terrorists. “We are not just celebrating,” he said. “No! It will focus on the impact of insecurity because these challenges are being experienced all over Africa.”

He further disclosed that the federal government has set up a Board of Trustees to be chaired by former Head of State, Gen Yakubu Gowon. The board, he said, is expected to manage funds realised from the Centenary Fund Raising Ball to be held on February 25 in Lagos.

Also at the briefing was the Secretary to the Government of the Federation (SGF), Anyim Pius Anyim who disclosed that the centenary events will include an awards presentation conferring honours on 100 Nigerians, out of which 40% of the awards will be given posthumously to people who had made contributions to the development of the country in the last 100 years.

Maku added that “there is going to be a centenary lottery and the proceeds will go to support this celebration and all the telecoms companies  and every Nigerian are being encouraged to be part if this programme.”

The celebrations will conclude with a thanksgiving service at the National Ecumenical Centre, Abuja with a multimedia show at the National Stadium, Abuja also planned.

“Every state has been mandated to sponsor at least 200 delegates and one traditional ruler from each state of the federation, including FCT,” said the FCT minister Bala Mohammed, who was also at the briefing.

FCTA-Brazilian Partnership to Yield $3bn

The minister of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Senator Bala Mohammed, has said the partnership between the FCT administration and Brazilian investors is expected to yield about $3 billion when fully implemented.

The minister made the disclosure when he received a delegation of Brazilian investors, led by the former Ambassador of Nigeria to Brazil, Mr. Vincent Okoedion, in his office recently.

The minister further disclosed that the delegation had indicated interest to partner with the administration in the areas of housing and transport, and road development. He added that the administration will continue to provide an enabling environment for investors to thrive.

The director of Bitello Group, Frederico Joao Stella who was part of the delegation, commended the minister for the opportunity to participate in the territory’s development. He said the company would build 1,000 houses in the FCT within a few months.

Africans Gather in Abuja to Honour Mandela

Dignitaries from all over the continent gathered in Abuja to celebrate the life and times of the late former South African President, Nelson Mandela.
Ambassadors of South Africa, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Jamaica, Cuba, Gambia, Namibia, Botswana and South Sudan were in attendance of the event tagged ‘Africa, liberation struggles and the future of the continent’ organized by the Abuja Collective, which was held at the Yar’Adua Centre.
Labaran Maku, the Minister of Information and Supervising Minister of Defence represented the government of Nigeria, said in his speech: “Sometimes when we praise Mandela, we forget to appreciate those who nurtured him, people like the founding fathers of the ANC. People who put Mandela up as a symbol of hope in the spotlight content to stay in the background. This is not the case in Nigeria; everybody wants to be the one.”
The South African High Commissioner to Nigeria, Lulu Louis Mnguni, thanked Nigeria on behalf of the South African people for its contributions to the fight against discrimination in South Africa. He urged Africans to learn from Mandela and strive for peace and unity in Africa.
The daughter of former Nigerian Head of State and Executive Secretary, Murtala Mohammed Foundation, Mrs. Aisha Mohammed-Oyebode described Mandela as an epitome of humanity to displayed extreme generosity of Spirit.
She said, “Africa as a continent, has been saddled with so many negative labels, but we can stand taller than most because Nelson Mandela is one of ours.”

Media Must Stop Advertising Fake Drugs - FG

The Federal Government has declared a zero tolerance approach on any media organizations found advertising pharmaceutical products that have not been registered with the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration (NAFDAC.)
The Minister of Health, Onyebuchi Chukwu, said this at the inauguration of the revived federal and state task forces on counterfeit, fake and unwholesome processed foods in Abuja, yesterday.
The minister described the media’s attitude as embarrassing to the government and called on the National Broadcasting Commission (NBC) to regulate the advertisement of unregistered medicine and similar products.
"We will soon use some media organisations as example for others to know that the government is serious," he threatened.
He said the reconstitution of the task forces was to ensure a strict approach against fake drugs as declared by the President.

Wednesday 19 February 2014

Politicians Mourn Sudden Death of Senator Isaiah Balat

Senate President David Mark joined other politicians yesterday to mourn the death of Senator and former Minister of Works Isaiah Balat, 62, who died yesterday at the National Hospital in Abuja of complications following a leg injury.

Mark’s Special Advisor on Media and Publicity, Kola Ologbondiyan, revealed that the Senate President “literarily broke down in tears when the news of the untimely death of Balat filtered into town," and described him as an astute politician, a respectable colleague and a gentleman.  
"We shall miss his candour, his frank and honest dispositions to national issues," he said, and prayed that God will grant his family and the people of Kaduna State the fortitude to bear the loss.

Kaduna State’s former Governor, Sen. Ahmed Makarfi described the death of Balat, who was a Special Adviser to President Goodluck Jonathan, as "very shocking and unbelievable."

The former Minister of Aviation, Mr Felix Hyat, said that “the news took me by surprise. Balat was a hard fighter, and represented a ray of hope to his people in the south of Kaduna State.”

Governor of Kaduna State Mukhtar Yero said “this unfortunate demise of the late Senator Balat is coming at a time that our state and indeed the entire country needed his experience and patriotic zeal the most. We have lost a rare gem, who dedicated his lifetime to the service of fatherland and humanity.”

Born in Gora-Bafai, in the Zango-Kataf Local Government Area of Kaduna, Balat was a businessman and politician who was the chairman of the Katsina Steel Rolling Mill in 1980, former chairman of the Kaduna Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Mines and Agriculture (KADCCIMA) and a former council member of the Nigeria Stock Exchange (NSE).

He was appointed Minister of State for Works and Housing in 1999 and later became the Senator representing the Southern Kaduna zone. In 2011, he was appointed Special Adviser to the President on Special Duties.

He is survived by two wives, five children and parents.

Eight Die in Fire at Former Minister’s House

Eight people were killed in a fire at the Abuja residence of the former Minister of State for Education Hajiya Bintu Ibrahim Musa. Among the deceased were the minister’s two daughters and two grandchildren.

Confirming the incident, the Public Relation Officer (PRO) of the Federal Fire Service Mr. Obisesan Biodun, said eight persons lost their lives while three others were rescued and taken to the hospital.

“We received information from One Mr. Yusuf of a fire outbreak at a residential building,” he said, “and before we got there barely 30 minutes after fire had gutted the building and a lot of damage had been done.”

A survivor, Ms Jamila Kasimu told newsmen that the deceased and many others were asleep in the house in Area 8, Garki when the fire started at about midnight and engulfed the building. The deceased, she added were choked to death by fume from the fire.

She said many relatives and friends of the family were in the house because of the wedding of one of Hajiya Bintu’s daughters held at the weekend.

The former minister, who sustained severe skin burns in the fire is currently recovering at a private clinic in Abuja.

Why Kerosene is not sold at Official Price - NNPC

The Nigeria National Petroleum Company (NNPC) yesterday in Abuja revealed that kerosene was not sold at official price of N50 per litre because of diversion of the product by marketers.
NNPC’s Group Managing Director, Mr Andrew Yakubu told an investigative hearing on the supply, subsidy and distribution of kerosene that other reasons for the high prices include surcharges by middlemen, and that its usage for road construction and aviation fuel was also a factor in its scarcity. 
He also stated at the hearing, which was organised by the House of Representatives on Petroleum, that monitoring of the country’s boarders will ensure that the product was not smuggled out.
He said that NNPC was working to ensure that all pipelines were functional to prevent the continued diversion of kerosene, and said that though there was a directive to stop a subsidy on the product it, this had not been fully implemented.
A presidential directive was issued on June 2009 to stop subsidy on kerosene, and daily supplies increased from nine million liters to 11 million liters in 2011.

FCTA Approves N500m for Purchase of High Capacity Buses

The Federal Capital Territory Administration has approved the sum of N500 million for the purchase of high capacity buses, reports the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN).
The Secretary, FCT Transportation Secretariat, Mr Jonathan Ivoke, said that the fund was approved by the administration for the Abuja Urban Mass Transit Company (AUMTCO) to purchase the buses.
This, he said, was in line with the administration’s effort to meet the growing need of commuters in the FCT.
He revealed that there were 300 high capacity buses plying different routes in the FCT. “The provision of mass transit in any city is done with high capacity buses to convey many passengers at a go,” he said.
The secretary further stated that the administration will soon distribute 180 taxis as part of the second batch of the FCT SURE-P programme.

Tuesday 18 February 2014

I’m in FCT for Policing not Politics - Mbu

The new Commissioner of Police in the Federal Capital Territory, Mr. Joseph Mbu, has said that he was deployed to effectively police the territory and not for politicking.

He made the statement yesterday at his first news conference at the FCT Police Command headquarters. He said that whoever takes the laws into his or her hands in the territory will be brought to book.

“Today (Monday), I have assumed duties as the new Commissioner of Police in charge of the FCT,” he said. “I am not here for politics; this is Federal Capital Territory, a no-man’s land. We are here to do policing and that is all,” he said.

 Mr Mbu promised to establish confidence in officers and men of the command to enable them to carry out their duties without fear. He however warned the personnel against indiscipline, advising them to be civil and respect the people.

He added that the command would soon install complaint boxes in public places, including Churches and Mosques, to enable the public to volunteer information and to report misconduct by policemen.

Mbu was the former Rivers State Police Commissioner transferred to the FCT weeks ago.

Abuja: Polytechnic Students Protest against ASUP Strike

Polytechnic students gathered outside the Federal Ministry of Education in Abuja yesterday to protest against the government’s poor handling of the on-going strike by the Academic Staff Union of Polytechnics (ASUP).

The students, who together formed the National Association Polytechnic Students (NAPS),  called for the immediate  removal of the Supervising Minister of Education,  Nyesom Wike, who they accused of being incapable of resolving the crisis.

They waved placards inscribed with messages like ‘Wike Must Go,’ ‘Government is Insensitive,’ ‘We are tired of being neglected’ but were soon dispersed by policemen and other security operatives.

NAPS President Sunday Ogbonnaya told journalists that part of their demands was to end the national discrimination of HND holders and better funding for polytechnics.

“The last meeting between ASUP and the Minister was inconclusive. ASUP initially had 13 demands, then streamlined them into four. Having entered into agreements with the union, it is unfair for the government to fail to yield to the agreement,” he said.

“We are tired of staying at home. We are totally in support of the 13 demands of the union and we are ready to give them all necessary support to make sure that those demands are met. We believe in dialogue, this protest would have come long ago but we decided to wait. But we want them to go back to work while negotiations continue.

“Let it be known to the public that what they are fighting for is in the interest of the general public”.

Abuja Indigenes Seek Representation at Confab

Indigenes of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), under the aegis of Original Inhabitants Development Association of Abuja (OIDA) have called on the federal government to fast-track the nomination of delegates representing Abuja in the proposed national conference.
This was contained in a statement signed by the president of the association, Pastor Danladi Jeji. He said that the convocation of the conference was an opportunity for all Nigerians, to make known their grievances.
“The national conference will give the Abuja indigenous people the opportunity to bring the issues of their statelessness, marginalisation and usurpation of their lands without compensation by the Nigerian state to the limelight,” Pastor Jeji said.
He further expressed readiness of the association to contribute meaningfully in finding lasting solutions to some of the burning national issues.

FG Distributes N200bn to Universities

The Federal Government distributed N200 billion to all the public universities in the country yesterday, to fulfil their agreement with the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) following their seven-month strike which ended last December.
Nyesom Wike, the Supervising Minister of Education, distributed letters of fund allocations in a meeting with university Vice Chancellors in Abuja, and urged the VCs to use the money for infrastructural development, with all the funds to be used within this year.
The Government had agreed to pay N200 billion for university renovations in 2014, with the same amount allocated for the next four years until the universities were brought to world standard.
"It is imperative for the public to know how much government was investing in the country's tertiary education and correct the impression that it was neglecting the sector,” said Wike.
He revealed that the exercise will begin next month with the North Central Zone at the Federal College of Agriculture, Makurdi, followed by the South East zone at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, while University of Port Harcourt will host the South-South, Ahmadu Bello University will host the North West and those in the South West would converge at the University of Ibadan.
The minister also disclosed that the Federal Government spent N225 billion on universities in the 2013 budget, of which N67 billion was spent on federal polytechnics; N44 billion on federal colleges of education and N39 billion on federal colleges.

Monday 17 February 2014

Mob Attacks 14 Alleged Gay Men in Gishiri, Abuja

More than a dozen alleged gay men were dragged from their homes in the Gishiri neighborhood of Abuja last week and beaten with sticks by a mob declaring they wanted to ‘cleanse the community.’

One man was nearly beaten to death and four of the men were dragged to the nearby police station, where the police continued the beatings and insults, according to reports by Ifeanyi Orazulike from the International Center on Advocacy for the Right to Health.

Witnesses said that the mob of over 40 men had broken down the doors of the neighbourhood at around 1am and shouted that it was going to cleanse the community of gays, and used wires, whips and furniture to attack the 14 young men they condemned as homosexual.

The assaults come a month after President Goodluck Jonathan signed into law a bill that criminalizes same-sex relationships, requiring a maximum of 14 years in prison for offenders.

Orazulike told international news agencies that those attacked were in hiding. “They were told ‘If you come back, we will kill you,’” he said.

He also revealed that the walls of houses where the men lived were painted with graffiti stating “Homosexuals, pack and leave.”

The US has condemned the law and threatened sanctions against Nigeria; however the U.S. ambassador to Nigeria, James F. Entwistle has assured Nigerians that the United States would not be cutting aid because of the anti-gay law.

First Lady Was Not Rushed to German Hospital - FCT Minister

The Minister of the Federal Capital Territory, Sen. Bala Mohammed, has condemned recent media reports that the First Lady, Dame Patience Jonathan, had been flown abroad for medical treatment.
The minister made the remark on Sunday in at his home in Abuja, when the first lady paid him a condolence visit over the death of his brother, Mallam Yusuf Mohammed. He described the report as false and malicious.
“We want to dispute media reports that you are sick and rushed abroad,” he said, “but here you are resplendent and beautiful.”
He noted that Dame Jonathan’s support to her husband, the nation, and vulnerable women has had a positive impact on the lives on Nigerians.
Speaking earlier, the first lady commiserated with the family of the minister and the people of Bauchi state over the death of Mallam Yusuf Mohammed. “It is quite sad,” she said, “but we can’t question God. He gives and takes, but we can pray that his soul should rest in perfect peace.”

ICPC Seizes 372 International Passports

The Independent Corrupt Practices and other Related Offences Commission (ICPC) has seized 372 international passports recovered from several persons and agents.

The Commission has asked the owners of the recovered passports to come to its headquarters in Abuja this week along with proof of ownership and the travel documents supporting their visa applications to respective embassies to collect their passports.

The recovery is part of an ongoing clampdown on fake documentation in the acquisition of visas, and last year the ICPC arrested 18 suspects in Abuja and Lagos who were allegedly involved in the production of fake visa and travel documents.
The Commission has made several arrests after receiving an increasing number of petitions from students applying to study abroad and patients seeking medical care in India who were duped by some agents.

Travelers have been advised to use authentic documents and only deal with registered travel agents.

FCT Minister: Why Nigeria’s Unity is not Negotiable at Confab

The Minister of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Senator Bala Mohammed has stated that the decision not to discuss the unity of Nigeria at the forthcoming National Dialogue was taken in respect of the aspiration of Nigerians.
Senator Mohammed gave the explanation recently while speaking on Radio Nigeria Network programme ‘Radio Link’. He said that the disposition of Nigerians on the unity of the country was demonstrated when the National Dialogue Advisory Committee went around the country to collate thousands of memoranda expressing faith in the oneness of Nigeria with only one memorandum advocating disintegration of the country.

That, he said, was a clear testimony that Nigerians do not see disintegration as an option.

“I am aware of the existence of few people with negative mindset who might be misconceiving the National Dialogue as an opportunity to plot against the unity and solidarity of Nigerians as one people,” he added. “The National Dialogue would bring Nigerians closer to one another rather than divide them.”

Friday 14 February 2014

President Commissions Aviation Village, NHF e-Card Scheme

President Goodluck Jonathan yesterday commissioned a N2.4 billion housing estate in Abuja financed by the Federal Mortgage Bank of Nigeria (FMBN), and at the same time launched the National Housing Fund (NHF) e-card scheme that will make it easier for NHF contributors to monitor fund transactions.

The President praised the public-private partnership agreement behind the mass housing project of 270 flats at the Aviation Village in Abuja, stating that “our intention is not to create a government monopoly but to encourage the private sector to drive the process while we provide the right policies and environment”.

He described the e-card scheme as an “effective tool for ensuring transparency and accountability of national housing funds contributions received by the FMBN. This is one this administration’s efforts at promoting transparency in the management of resources.

“Contributors will not only find the e- card useful in managing their fund but also boost their confidence in the national housing scheme. Those who are still in breach of the law by not contributing should now be comfortable to comply since they are assured of the safety and proper application of their money” he said.

“As for this administration, I assure you all that improving the living standards of Nigerians is an imperative which we are resolutely pursuing”, he said.

He added that it was better to build smaller housing estates across the country rather than building large estates that may not eventually be well kept.

The Managing Director of the Federal Mortgage Bank of Nigeria, Gimba Ya’u Kumo noted the increase in NHF collections from N700 million to N2.2 billion a month.

JAMB to Phase out Paper Tests Next Year

The Joint Admissions and Matriculation board (JAMB) has said the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination will be conducted using the Computer-Based method from next year onward with the aim of totally phasing out paper-based examinations.

The Director, Test Administration of the Board, Mr Yusuf Lawan, made this known in Abuja recently while conducting a computer-based advocacy test for 140 secondary school students drawn from 14 schools in Federal Capital Territory (FCT).

He said the aim of the exercise was to use the feedback to improve the system before next year.

He added that the board was trying its best ensure that the test doesn't discriminate against people in rural areas as all their concerns and problem encountered in such places last year and this year will be taken into account.

Mr. Lawan revealed that the paper test this year will be conducted on the 12th of April while the Computer-Based Test will hold for two weeks starting from the 17th of May.

Abuja to host SHAPE Africa 2014

The Abuja Global Shapers hub is ready to host the ‘SHAPE Africa 2014′ during the forthcoming World Economic Forum Africa Regional Meeting in May 2014.

The Curator of the World Economic Forum – Abuja Global Shapers, Ms Joycee Awojoodu said the approval came following the strong proposal put forward by the Abuja Global Shapers and their level of preparedness to host the event.

The event, she said, will bring about 250 participants from across the continent to Abuja. “We as young people are united by our passion to leave a lasting impact on our beloved Continent, utilizing transformational leadership to transcend boundaries and unleash the potential to solve our greatest challenges,” she added.

She further stated that participants will leave the forum with greater insights into the problems of Africa and action plans to implement in the various countries.