Friday 7 March 2014

Senator Accuses FCT Minister of Leadership Failure

The senator representing Kogi Central senatorial district, Sen. Abatemi Nurudeen-Usman, has alleged that the minister of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Mr. Bala Mohammed, was condoning indiscipline among transport operators in Abuja, adding that the situation implied absence of leadership in FCTA.

The senator made the allegation when the minister appeared before the Senate Committee on FCT to defend the 2014 budget estimates of the FCTA. He said the impunity of transport operators causes heavy traffic in various parts of the city.

The charge infuriated the minister who said the comment was intended to malign his personality. "I feel insulted by your comment,” the minister said. “I see it as an attack on my integrity and I take exception to it.”

Sen. Abatemi-Usman then explained that his observation was not meant to question the minister's integrity, rather, it was meant to serve as a wakeup call on his administration over the menace of motorists in the nation's capital.

 “I want the public to note that I make no attempt to attack or talk about your integrity,” he said. “I am only bringing to your attention issues that have been going on and I hope that this is a wake up call."

After a moment of tension, the minister's anger subsided. “I am apologising for reacting because I felt insulted, but whatever, I am your servant and the servant of Nigeria, I would take anything," he conceded.

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