Wednesday 26 March 2014

Confab: Delegates Fail to Adopt Voting Method

For the second consecutive day, delegates to the National Conference have failed to agree over the mode of voting.

The conference was yesterday abruptly adjourned following sharp disagreement among delegates over the mode to be adopted on matters requiring voting. Order VI Rule 3 provides that any decision in the conference shall be decided by at least a three-quarter majority.
The clause reads: “Any questions proposed for decision in the conference shall be determined by consensus and when this is not achievable by a three-quarter majority of the delegates present and voting.” The clause was deferred on Monday at the resumption of plenary to Tuesday, still, decision could not be reached on it.
Contributing, Mr Atedo Peterside, a federal delegate, cautioned the delegates to be wary of the presence of the media were reporting proceeding of the conference to the world. “There is a reason the whole nation is here. The whole nation is watching; they are listening,” he noted. “Let us not over-emphasise our importance.”
He therefore advised that the matter be deferred to Wednesday for continuation of debate.

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