Wednesday 18 December 2013

Senate dismisses APC’s Call to Impeach the President

The senate has dismissed calls by the All Progressives Congress (APC) to impeach President Goodluck Jonathan for alleged gross misconduct as rubbish.
The Chairman of the Senate’s Media and Public Affairs committee Enyinnaya Abaribe told newsmen in Abuja yesterday, "The Senate's direction to this call is that it is utter rubbish deserving no other comment."
The opposition party APC had appealed to the National Assembly to save Nigeria from imminent collapse by immediately starting impeachment proceedings .
The party’s Interim National Publicity Secretary, Alhaji Lai Mohammed had stated that such an act would protect the nation’s democracy.
“Our country is drifting dangerously and our people are divided now, perhaps more than at any other point in our history, with the exception of the civil war period. There is a total failure of leadership, even as insecurity, unprecedented corruption, palpable impunity, massive unemployment and hunger stalk the land.
“Therefore, the time has come for the head of that government, on whose desk the buck stops, to be removed through the provisions stipulated in the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. This is the patriotic thing to do,’’ he said.

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