Monday 16 June 2014

FG Promises Accountability in LG Funding

The Ministry of Special Duties and Inter-Governmental Affairs has assured local governments of accountability in releasing funds for the running of its activities.
The Minister of Special Duties and Inter-Governmental Affairs, Mr Kabiru Turaki, made this known at a meeting with the Commonwealth Local Government Forum (CLGF) Board and Associated in Abuja recently.
He said “When fund is set aside for strategic development either by international volunteers, or development partners, the releases of …money will be made according to the agreed timeline.
The forum urged the United Nations, the Commonwealth and development partners to ensure that localisation of SDGs was accompanied by localisation of resources by enabling local governments, in partnership with central/state governments, raise funds for more local revenue, secure allocations of national budgets to local governments, especially in deprived or post-conflict area.
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