Thursday 19 June 2014

25 Countries to Attend Fashion Summit in Abuja

At least 25 countries are expected to participate in the African fashion summit scheduled to take place in Abuja first week of July.
The Minister of Information, Mr Minister Labaran Maku, made this known yesterday in Abuja while briefing journalists on the outcome of the Federal Executive Council (FEC) meeting.
He said that the council received a report from the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and National Orientation to host a summit on a world fashion industry on 2 – 5 July.
Similarly, the Minister of Culture, Tourism and National Orientation, High Chief Edem Duke, said the World Fashion Organisation chose to hold the summit in Abuja after considering Nigeria the best out of five countries that bided for the hosting.
Duke, who said Nigerian fashion designers had made impact globally, said 25 countries had confirmed their participation in the summit which, he added, would also be attended by 30 fashion journalists from 17 countries as well as judges from Canada, Italy and South Africa.
He further stated that in addition to hosting the summit, Nigeria has been earmarked as the country to host the first fashion university and a garment industry.
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