Tuesday 17 June 2014

FCT Water Board Set to Disconnect Defaulting Residents

The Federal Capital Territory (FCT) Water Board is ready to begin mass disconnection of households and organizations in Abuja that are yet to pay their water bills.
The Acting Director of the board, Mr Michael O. Adebayo, made this known to newsmen yesterday. He said the action is coming after weeks of plea with residents to pay their debts.
“If all our efforts to let them know before now have not resulted in proper information, perhaps, disconnecting them will help them understand that N80 for five drums of water is not such a huge price to pay,” he said. “When we disconnect them from the central water grid, then, I tell you, they will pay up all the outstanding debt.”
He advised members of the public not to make transactions with staff of the board, but instead pay into the designated bank accounts.
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